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The following article was originally published in the June 2005 issue of The Breakout Bulletin.

Better Optimization in TradeStation, Part 2 

In the November 2004 issue, I presented a method for optimizing a trading system in TradeStation using a custom objective function written in TradeStation's EasyLanguage scripting language. The purpose of the EasyLanguage function, called EqtyCorr, was to make it possible to find system parameter values that produce a relatively linear equity curve with good net profitability. Trading systems with linear (straight-line) equity curves have uniform profitability over different time periods, which should make them more likely to perform well in the future compared to systems that are more tailored to specific market conditions. In this month's newsletter, I present an new objective function that has certain advantages over the method previously presented.


Asking a trading system to perform equally well in all time periods is a fairly arbitrary request given that the markets themselves are anything but uniform. It probably makes more sense to ask what the potential profit is over a given period and then ask the system to perform as close to that potential as possible. This kind of thinking led me to something I refer to as the ideal equity curve optimization method.


The basic idea is not new. In his book "Design, Testing, and Optimization of Trading Systems" (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1992, pp. 74-75), Robert Pardo describes an optimization method based on the "perfect profit," which he defines as the sum of the absolute price differences. A trading system that generated perfect profit would buy the close if the next day was going to close higher and sell the close if the next day was going to be lower. Obviously, no such system is possible, but the equity curve generated by this hypothetical system represents the potential profit in the market. To use the perfect profit in system optimization, Pardo maximized the correlation coefficient between the equity curve represented by the perfect profit and the equity curve of the trading system. The optimal system parameter values were those that resulted in the equity curve closest to the perfect profit.


Rather than use the sum of the absolute price differences to generate a "perfect" equity curve, my thought was to identify a set of "ideal turning points" on a chart and use those turning points to generate an ideal equity curve as if we were trading a stop-and-reverse system through those points. By changing how the turning points are chosen, the number of "trades" from this ideal system could be adjusted to better match the number of trades from the trading system being optimized. The ideal system would presumably represent the profit potential of the actual trading system better if the ideal system generated about the same number of trades as the actual system.


Ideal turning points


Figure 1. Ideal turning points in T-Bond futures, as identified by function IdealEqtyOpt5. The turning points are used to define a hypothetical, ideal trading system that represents the profit potential in the market.


Fig. 1 illustrates what I mean by "ideal turning points." The ideal turning points are marked with buy and sell signals from a hypothetical system that reverses from long to short and short to long at the turning points. How frequently the reversals are triggered will depend on how big a market move it takes to reverse the trend. In the function IdealEqtyOpt5, shown below in Fig. 2, the size of the move needed to reverse the trend can be specified either in terms of points or as a fraction of the n-day average true range. Once it has been determined that the trend has reversed, the ideal turning point is located. When the trend reverses from short to long, the turning point is the lowest close since being short. When the trend reverses from long to short, the turning point is the highest close since being long.


As an aside, the ideal "trades" formed by the turning points might make a good training set of trades for a neural network-based system. Rather than scanning a chart manually to come up with trades to feed into the neural network, the method described here could be used to automatically find the training set.


The IdealEqtyOpt5 function keeps track of the equity from both the ideal system and the actual trading system. The equity curve for the ideal system is based on reversing from long to short at the high reversal points and from short to long at the low reversal points. As with Pardo's perfect profit, a system based on these ideal turning points is not possible in practice, but it provides a measure of the potential profit in the market. On the last bar of the chart, the function calculates the correlation coefficient of the ideal equity and the equity from the trading system. The correlation coefficient and system parameter values are appended to a user-specified text file for later analysis.


To use the IdealEqtyOpt5 function to optimize a trading system, the same approach is used as described for the EqtyCorr function presented previously. First, the function call is added to the end of the trading system code, then the system is optimized using TradeStation's optimization feature to iterate over all combinations of the system's parameters. For each combination of parameter values, the IdealEqtyOpt5 function will write one line to the text file specified by the input parameter FName. As noted above, each line in the text file will contain the correlation coefficient and the system parameter values. After the optimization is complete, the lines in the text file can be sorted by the value of the first column -- the correlation coefficient -- to find the parameter values that maximize the correlation coefficient.


 Function IdealEqtyOpt5
 Calculate an objective function based on the correlation
 between the equity curve generated by a trading system and the
 "ideal" equity curve. The ideal equity curve is the equity curve
 generated by a stop and reverse system that reverses at perfect
 reversal points.
 The objective function value and system input parameter values
 are appended to a text file for later analysis.


 Copyright 2005 Breakout Futures

 input: Param1      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 1 }
        Param2      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 2 }
        Param3      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 3 }
        Param4      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 4 }
        Param5      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 5 }
        Param6      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 6 }
        Param7      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 7 }
        Param8      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 8 }
        Param9      (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 9 }
        Param10     (NumericSimple),    { system parameter 10 }
        RevPts      (NumericSimple),    { points to reverse }
        RevFr       (NumericSimple),    { fraction of ATR to reverse }
        NRev        (NumericSimple),    { length of ATR }
        RevType     (NumericSimple),    { 0 = pts; 1 = ATR }
        FName       (StringSimple),     { file name to write results to }
        PrintLog    (TrueFalse),        { flag for writing to print log }
        WriteOpt    (TrueFalse);        { True -> write optimization; false -> write equity}


 Var:  LowC      (0),     { lowest close }
       HighC     (0),     { highest close }
       TrDir     (0),     { direction of ideal trade }
       RevSz     (0),     { points needed to reverse }  
       HighBar   (0),     { number of bar with highest close }
       LowBar    (0),     { number of bar with lowest close }
       ibar      (0),     { bar counter }
       XVal      (0),     { value of x, system equity }
       YVal      (0),     { value of y, ideal equity }
       SumXY     (0),     { sum of X * Y }
       SumX      (0),     { sum of X }
       SumY      (0),     { sum of Y }
       SumXX     (0),     { sum of X * X }
       SumYY     (0),     { sum of Y * Y }
       CCNum     (0),     { numerator of correlation coefficient }
       CCDen     (0),     { denominator of correlation coefficient }
       CorrCoef  (0),     { correlation coefficient }
       ObjectFn  (0),     { objective function }
       TotalEqty (0),     { open plus closed trade equity }
       ii        (0),     { loop counter }
       NBars     (0),     { number of bars }
       NTrSys    (0),     { number of system trades }
       NTrIdeal  (0),     { number of ideal "trades" }
       StrOut    ("");    


 Array: EqtySys[5000](0),    { equity at each bar, system trades }
        EqtyIdeal[5000](0),  { equity at each bar, ideal trades }
        TrSys[1000](0),        { equity at end of system trades }
        DatesSys[1000](0),     { dates of system trades }
        TrIdeal[1000](0),      { equity at end of ideal trades }
        DatesIdeal[1000](0);   { dates of ideal trades }


 If BarNumber = 1 then Begin
    If Close > Close[1] then
       TrDir = 1
       TrDir = -1;
    HighC = Close;
    HighBar = BarNumber;
    LowC = Close;
    LowBar = BarNumber;
    DatesSys[0] = DateToJulian(date);
    DatesIdeal[0] = DateToJulian(date);


 If RevType = 0 then
    RevSz = RevPts
    RevSz = RevFr * average(TrueRange, NRev);


 If Close > HighC then Begin
    HighC = Close;
    HighBar = BarNumber;
 If Close < LowC then Begin
    LowC = Close;
    LowBar = BarNumber;


 { Reverse ideal trade from long to short }
 If TrDir = 1 and HighC - Close >= RevSz then Begin
    TrDir = -1;
    NTrIdeal = NTrIdeal + 1;

    If PrintLog then
       Print("Date: ", date[BarNumber - HighBar]:0:0, " Time: ", time[BarNumber - LowBar]:0:0,
             " Close = ", HighC:0:4, " Direction: ", TrDir);

    LowC = Lowest(Close, BarNumber - HighBar + 1);
    LowBar = BarNumber - LowestBar(Close, BarNumber - HighBar + 1);


    { Adjust previous equity values from reversal point to current bar }
    For ii = ibar - (BarNumber - HighBar - 1) to ibar - 1 begin
        EqtyIdeal[ii] = EqtyIdeal[ii - 1] + (Close[ibar - ii + 1] - Close[ibar - ii]) * BigPointValue;


    { Record equity value and date for ideal trade }
    TrIdeal[NTrIdeal] = EqtyIdeal[ibar - (BarNumber - HighBar)];
    DatesIdeal[NTrIdeal] = DateToJulian(date[BarNumber - HighBar]);


 { Reverse ideal trade from short to long }
 If TrDir = -1 and Close - LowC >= RevSz then Begin
    TrDir = 1;
    NTrIdeal = NTrIdeal + 1;

    If PrintLog then
       Print("Date: ", date[BarNumber - LowBar]:0:0, " Time: ", time[BarNumber - LowBar]:0:0,
             " Close = ", LowC:0:4, " Direction: ", TrDir);

    HighC = Highest(Close, BarNumber - LowBar + 1);
    HighBar = BarNumber - HighestBar(Close, BarNumber - LowBar + 1);


    { Adjust previous equity values from reversal point to current bar }
    For ii = ibar - (BarNumber - LowBar - 1) to ibar - 1 begin
        EqtyIdeal[ii] = EqtyIdeal[ii - 1] + (Close[ibar - ii] - Close[ibar - ii + 1]) * BigPointValue;


    { Record equity value and date for ideal trade }
    TrIdeal[NTrIdeal] = EqtyIdeal[ibar - (BarNumber - LowBar)];
    DatesIdeal[NTrIdeal] = DateToJulian(date[BarNumber - LowBar]);
 { Keep track of equity curve of trading system }
 TotalEqty = NetProfit + OpenPositionProfit;
 If ibar < 5000 then
    EqtySys[ibar] = TotalEqty;


 { Record equity value and date for system trade }
 If TotalTrades > NTrSys then Begin
    NTrSys = NTrSys + 1;
    TrSys[NTrSys] = NetProfit;
    DatesSys[NTrSys] = DateToJulian(date);


 { Keep track of equity curve from ideal trades }
 If ibar > 0 and ibar < 5000 then Begin
    If TrDir = 1 then
       EqtyIdeal[ibar] = EqtyIdeal[ibar - 1] + (Close - Close[1]) * BigPointValue
    Else If TrDir = -1 then
       EqtyIdeal[ibar] = EqtyIdeal[ibar - 1] + (Close[1] - Close) * BigPointValue
    EqtyIdeal[ibar] = 0;


 ibar = ibar + 1;


 { Compute objective function and write to file }
 If LastBarOnchart then Begin
    NBars = ibar;


    { Calculate correlation between system and ideal equity curves }
    For ii = 0 to NBars - 1 Begin
        XVal = EqtySys[ii];
        YVal = EqtyIdeal[ii];
        SumX = SumX + XVal;
        SumY = SumY + YVal;
        SumXY = SumXY + (XVal * YVal);
        SumXX = SumXX + (XVal * XVal);
        SumYY = SumYY + (YVal * YVal);

    CCNum = NBars * SumXY - (SumX * SumY);
    CCDen = SquareRoot((NBars * SumXX - (SumX * SumX))  * (NBars * SumYY - (SumY * SumY)));
    if CCDen > 0 then
       CorrCoef = CCNum/CCDen
       CorrCoef = 0;


    ObjectFn = CorrCoef;


    { Write results to file }
    If WriteOpt then Begin
       { Write objective function to file along with system parameters }
       StrOut = NumtoStr(ObjectFn, 4) + ", " + NumtoStr(Param1, 3) + ",  " + NumtoStr(Param2, 3) + ",  " + 
                NumtoStr(Param3, 3) + ",  " + NumtoStr(Param4, 3) + ",  " + NumtoStr(Param5, 3) + ",  " + 
                NumtoStr(Param6, 3) + ",  " + NumtoStr(Param7, 3) + ",  " + NumtoStr(Param8, 3) + ",  " + 
                NumtoStr(Param9, 3) + ",  " + NumtoStr(Param10, 3) + NewLine;
       FileAppend(FName, StrOut);
    Else Begin
       { Write equity curves to file }
       FileAppend(FName, "Equity curves: bar number, system equity, ideal equity: " + NewLine);
       For ii = 0 to NBars - 1 Begin
           StrOut = NumtoStr(ii, 0) + ", " + NumtoStr(EqtySys[ii], 2) + ", " +
                    NumtoStr(EqtyIdeal[ii], 2) + NewLine;
           FileAppend(FName, StrOut);


       { Write system trades to file }
       FileAppend(FName, NewLine + "System Trades (date, equity): " + NumtoStr(NTrSys, 0) + " trades" + NewLine);
       For ii = 0 to NTrSys Begin
           StrOut = NumtoStr(DatesSys[ii], 0) + ", " + NumtoStr(TrSys[ii], 2) + NewLine;
           FileAppend(FName, StrOut);


       { Write ideal trades to file }
       FileAppend(FName, NewLine + "Ideal Trades (date, equity): " + NumtoStr(NTrIdeal, 0) + " trades" + NewLine);
       For ii = 0 to NTrIdeal Begin
           StrOut = NumtoStr(DatesIdeal[ii], 0) + ", " + NumtoStr(TrIdeal[ii], 2) + Newline;
           FileAppend(FName, StrOut);


 IdealEqtyOpt5 = ObjectFn;

Figure 2. EasyLanguage function IdealEqtyOpt5 for optimizing trading systems in TradeStation. The function computes the correlation coefficient between the trading system's equity and the equity from an ideal trading system.


A few features of the IdealEqtyOpt5 EasyLanguage code should probably be explained. The first 10 inputs to the function are for tracking the system's parameter values during optimization. These inputs should be set to the system's inputs when the function is called (see example below). Any of these first 10 inputs that are not needed can be set to zero. The input RevType determines whether the reversal points are determined by points (RevType = 0) or by a fraction of the average true range (RevType = 1). If RevType = 1, then the average true range (ATR) is computed over the last NRev bars, and reversals are taken at a number of points given by RevFr times the ATR. If the PrintLog input is TRUE, the reversal points (date, time, closing price, and reversal direction) are written to the Print Log. If the WriteOpt input is TRUE, the correlation coefficient and system parameter values are written to the text file, as already explained. If this input is FALSE, the equity curves (system and ideal) are written to the file instead of the optimization results, along with the equity values at each trade entry for the both the actual and ideal systems.


As written, the function will work with up to 5000 bars of data and up to 1000 trades. Larger data sets can be handled by increasing the array sizes. The function will work with both intraday and daily bars, although the time of the trades is not recorded in the optional output generated when WriteOpt = FALSE.


As an example of optimizing with IdealEqtyOpt5, consider the MiniMax system. This is a system I originally developed for trading the E-mini S&P and E-mini NASDAQ futures. It turns out that MiniMax works well on other futures, too, such as T-Bonds (symbol US). To optimize the system parameter values using IdealEqtyOpt5, I added the following line to the end of the system code:


Value2 = IdealEqtyOpt5(EntryFrL, EntryFrS, ExitFrL, ExitFrS, TrendFr, TargFr1, TargFr2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.25, 10, 1, "C:\TestIdeal-US-1.txt", false, true);


The first seven inputs are the system inputs I'm optimizing. I've chosen to determine the reversal points based on a multiple (1.25 in this case) of the ATR, which is computed over 10 bars. The results will be written to the file C:\TestIdeal-US-1.txt.


I optimized the system on T-Bonds over 15 years of daily data, ending on 5/26/1995. Trading costs of $75 were deducted per trade for slippage and commissions. After the optimization was complete, I opened the file TestIdeal-US-1.txt in Excel and sorted by the first column, the correlation coefficient. The sorted file is shown in Fig. 3. The values in columns B through H are the system parameter values, corresponding to the first seven inputs of the IdealEqtyOpt5 function, as shown above. The values in the top row, which has the highest value of the correlation coefficient, are the optimal results.


Spreadsheet of optimization results


Figure 3. Spreadsheet file of results from the IdealEqtyOpt5 function. The file is sorted by column A, the correlation coefficient. The remaining columns contain the system parameter values.


The equity curve based on the optimal set of parameter values is shown below in Fig. 4. As intended, using the IdealEqtyOpt5 function resulted in a very linear equity curve.


Optimal equity curve 

Figure 4. Optimal one-contract equity curve for the MiniMax system on daily bars of US T-Bonds (symbol @US.P in TradeStation 8) for trades on the optimization segment (15 years ending 5/26/1995). $75 was deducted from each trade for slippage and commissions.


The corresponding performance over the optimization period is as follows:


Net Profit: $86,806

Profit Factor: 1.6

Percent Wins: 54.5% (398 trades total)

Ave. Trade: $213

Win/Loss: 1.35

Max Intraday Drawdown: $11,275


To determine how well the optimal results are likely to hold up going forward, the system was run over the last 10 years of T-Bond data, from 5/28/1995 to 5/31/05. These "out-of-sample" data were not used in the optimization, so they provide a more objective measure of the system's performance than the results over the optimization segment. As shown in Fig. 5, the equity curve in the out-of-sample period is also quite linear until it enters a drawdown period in recent trading.


Out-of-sample equity curve

Figure 5. Out-of-sample one-contract equity curve for the MiniMax system on daily bars of US T-Bonds (symbol @US.P in TradeStation 8) for trades on the 10-year data segment ending 5/31/2005 using the optimal parameter values. $75 was deducted from each trade for slippage and commissions.


The corresponding performance over the out-of-sample period is as follows:


Net Profit: $47,569

Profit Factor: 1.4

Percent Wins: 53.2% (252 trades total)

Ave. Trade: $189

Win/Loss: 1.23

Max Intraday Drawdown: $15,269


Compared to the EqtyCorr function I presented last November, IdealEqtyOpt5 does not require the selection of any weighting factors and is therefore simpler. It also has the advantage of relating the optimal results to the profit potential of the market. By the way, in the optimization segment, there were 398 system trades and 408 ideal trades. If the number of system trades had been much different than the number of ideal trades, the ATR fraction (function input RevFr) could have been adjusted to bring the numbers closer together. On the other hand, the EqtyCorr function was more versatile in that the weighting factors could be used to bias the optimization to the most recent time period. A similar effect could be achieved in IdealEqtyOpt5 if desired by weighting the ideal equity curve.


As with any trading system optimization, it's always a good idea to save some data for out-of-sample testing and preferably track the system in real-time before committing real money.


That's all for now. Good luck with your trading.


Mike Bryant

Breakout Futures