Ordering Information

Adaptrade Builder

A fully functional trial version of Adaptrade Builder is available for download here. The trial version of Builder will run for 30 days from the time of installation and is functionally identical to the licensed version of the program except that it only runs for the trial period and cannot be activated.

After purchasing Builder, follow these steps to install and activate the licensed version:

  1. Log in to your account by clicking the Customer Login link in your purchase receipt.
  2. Select the "Licenses & Activation" option, and click the license ID for Adaptrade Builder.
  3. On the licenses page, click the Download button. The download file is an executable (.exe) file that contains a 64-bit version of the program.
  4. Save the downloaded file in a secure location for future installations. The Download button on your license page at SoftwareKey.com will not be available after the expiration date shown on that page.
  5. Run the downloaded file (e.g., BuilderLicensedSetup_v401.exe) by double-clicking it. If Windows flags the program as "unsafe", click the "More Info" button and select the option to install it anyway.
  6. After installation, enter your license ID and activation password from your purchase receipt or license page online to activate the program.

By default, the software is installed in the folder Program Files\Adaptrade Software\Adaptrade Builder x.x.x, where x.x.x is the version number (e.g., 4.0.1). Three example files are provided in the Examples folder (e.g., Program Files\Adaptrade Software\Adaptrade Builder 4.0.1\Examples). The bonus strategies, which are installed with the licensed version, can be found in Program Files\Adaptrade Software\Adaptrade Builder x.x.x\Bonus.

Note: The installation also includes files that must be installed separately into the trading platform. For each supported language, there is a corresponding folder in the installation directory containing files that must be copied or installed separately. These folders are EasyLanguage (for TradeStation and MultiCharts), NinjaScript7 (for NinjaTrader 7), NinjaScript8 (for NinjaTrader 8), MT4 (for MetaTrader 4), and AFL (for AmiBroker). Please refer to the installation section of the user's guide for instructions on how to copy or install these files to the proper locations. Failure to install these files will result in errors when running strategies created by Builder.

Please refer to the trial download page for installation information specific to each release, such as whether or not the platform files have changed with the current release.

The program help files, which contain the same information as the PDF user's guide, can be accessed by pressing F1 while the program is running. Upgrades are free for 12 months from the date of purchase; see our upgrade policy for details.

Market System Analyzer (MSA)

A fully functional trial version of MSA is available for download here. Prior to purchasing a license, you'll have 30 days from the time of installation to evaluate the trial. After purchasing MSA, you'll receive a download link to the licensed program and an installation password. The licensed version may be installed over the trial. For version 4 and newer, the trial version cannot be activated. To avoid the trial screen, the licensed version must be installed. Please save the installation file for the licensed version along with the installation password as both will be necessary to install the program in the future, such as on a second computer or on a new computer.

TradeStation/MultiCharts Files for MSA

MSA includes the WriteTrades function for generating trade files for input into MSA and the PSCalc function for performing position sizing calculations in TradeStation/MultiCharts. WriteTrades is part of the MSA Trial installation and can be found in the installation directory, C:\Program Files\Adaptrade Software\Market System Analyzer x.x, where x.x is the version number (e.g., 4.0). The PSCalc function is only installed with the licensed version.

Adaptrade Editor

Adaptrade Editor is currently available exclusively with Adaptrade Builder. To try Editor, download the trial version of Adaptrade Builder. Editor is installed during the installation of Builder.

If you previously purchased Editor separately (no longer available), follow these steps to install and activate the licensed version:

  1. Log in to your account by clicking the Customer Login link in your purchase receipt.
  2. Select the "Licenses & Activation" option, and click the license ID for Adaptrade Editor.
  3. On the licenses page, click the download button. The download file is an executable (.exe) file that contains a 64-bit version of the program.
  4. Run the downloaded file (e.g., EditorLicensedSetup_v130.exe) by double-clicking it. If Windows flags the program as "unsafe", click the "More Info" button and select the option to install it anyway.
  5. After installation, enter your license ID and activation password from your purchase receipt or license page online to activate the program.

By default, the software is installed in the folder Program Files\Adaptrade Software\Adaptrade Editor x.x.x, where x.x.x is the version number (e.g., 1.3.0). Eight example files are provided in the Examples folder (e.g., Program Files\Adaptrade Software\Adaptrade Editor 1.3.0\Examples).

Note: The installation also includes files that must be installed separately into the trading platform. For each supported language, there is a corresponding folder in the installation directory containing files that must be copied or installed separately. These folders are EasyLanguage (for TradeStation and MultiCharts), NinjaScript7 (for NinjaTrader 7), NinjaScript8 (for NinjaTrader 8), MT4 (for MetaTrader 4), and AFL (for AmiBroker). Please refer to the installation section of the user's guide for instructions on how to copy or install these files to the proper locations. Failure to install these files will result in errors when running strategies created in Editor. Note: The platform files for Editor are the same as the ones for Adaptrade Builder. If you've already installed these files for Builder, there's no need to re-install them for Editor.

Please refer to the Release Notes page for information specific to each release, such as whether or not the platform files have changed with the current release.

The program help files, which contain the same information as the PDF user's guide, can be accessed by pressing F1 while the program is running.

Payment processing

Online orders are processed by Fastspring.com for MSA and by SoftwareKey.com for Adaptrade Builder and Adaptrade Editor. Both services use secure servers to process your order. Accepted payment types are American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal.


All products are delivered via digital download. There are no shipping or handling charges. The complete user's guide for each product is available as a PDF file, located on the products download/trial page. The user's guides have been formatted for printing for those who prefer a printed copy. The entire contents of each user's guide are available via the help files for each program. The help files are accessed by pressing the F1 key while the program is running.